The Realities of Being a Mommy
When most people think of what it is like to be a mother they think of the nights cuddling with the kids, the i love yous, and the overall joy you get from being a mother. In reality being a mother is a lot more than the sweet moments with the kids that people think motherhood might be. Just the other day I enjoyed one of those great days that really show what motherhood is all about.
The day started out like any other day. I got out of bed and woke the kids up, made my oldest something to eat, fed my youngest and started trying to clean the house, when the first incident of the day happened. My youngest son Eli pooped so much that it started leaking out of his diaper from every angle to where he got it all over his swing, so I had to pull it apart so I could clean it. Not much later, my oldest son peed on my freshly mopped floors, then when I was giving him a bath he pooped in the bath. Most people wouldn't understand why someone would want to be mother when you have days like this, but what people don't understand is when you become a mother your days are always filled with days like this but what makes it all worth it it when you get to see the smiles on your children's faces and witness the capacity they have to love someone so unconditionally, and know that someone is you. I would never change being a mother to my two amazing children I have. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love them more than they will ever understand.
Do you have a crazy, real life MOMent? If so, tell us all about it in the comment section.
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